Bike Barn

Bike Repair Shop Rebrand

Logo • Branding


© Studio: Creative Media 2019
Designers: Timothea Wang, Alex Ryo Shimotake, Jiwon Choi, Michelle Gore, Joyce Kim


Logo Design, Branding, Visual Identity, Catalog, Posters


The ASUCD Bike Barn is a student-run, on-campus bicycle repair shop where students can receive full-service repairs, buy/rent bikes, and buy gear.

As part of the ASUCD rebrand campaignalong with an upcoming storefront remodelwe at Creative Media were approached to give the Bike Barn brand a much-needed refresh.


Over the years, the Bike Barn has had a number of logos & iterations. Some of which were never properly retired even after new logo rollouts. This created a noticeable lack of cohesion in the Bike Barn brand.

Therefore, we worked closely with the Bike Barn in order to create a new logo and brand that they would be proud to display and use well into the future.

Promo Materials

Although its central location gives them an advantage, the Bike Barn still has to compete heavily with other repair shops near campus and the downtown area. With the upcoming storefront remodel and rebrand, it was the perfect time to launch a campaign to bring in new student clientele.

The campaign we created showcased the central location of the Bike Barn, along with material to educate students on the plethora of services they provide.


The Bike Barn rebrand is one of my favorite rebrands I have collaborated on to date. Not only because I find it aesthetically pleasing, but also because of the amount of work and collaboration my team put into creating it.

This project was also integral to my understanding of the importance of communicating with the client. Although not shown here, there was quite a bit of back and forth with the client regarding the logo iterations.

As we were not given much, if any direction at first, it took a few tries. After a few rounds of wavering feedback, we went for a deep dive to really hone in on their identity in order to create a brand that really aligned with how they saw themselves. We learned that they really emphasized being central to college campus culture.

The logo & brand direction we ultimately landed on was well-received by the client and they were incredibly happy with the result.