Soccer & Lifestyle

Sports Store Logo Redesign

Logo • Branding


© Alex Ryo Shimotake 2019


Logo Design, Branding


Soccer & Lifestyle is a local soccer gear and apparel store in downtown Davis, CA. The client was dissatisfied with the existing logo, finding it illegible and unscalable. Therefore, I was approached to pitch a clean and modern logo redesign for this store.


When creating logos, I always look for parts of the existing brand or name that stand out. For this store, I found the ampersand “&” caught my attention. In the name “Soccer & Lifestyle” the “&” represents that this store is not just for gear, but is a lifestyle brand as well.

Taking this into consideration, I explored the ways in which the ampersand could be incorporated into a stylish logo icon that also represented soccer at a glance. The following was my logo solution and accompanying brand look & feel.